Question: Does the library provide access to the Atlanta-Journal Constitution?
Answered By: Cheryl Small
Last Updated: Sep 18, 2023Views: 2140
The Library provides online access to the Journal and Constitution, 1985 to the present, via the Newsbank database: all staff-written articles are available full-text, but items not originated by AJC aren't included--e.g., "Dear Abby", horoscopes, op-ed columns, and other syndicated pieces. It’s text only, so there are no ads, no classifieds, no pictures, and no funeral notices (in recent years, brief staff-written obit listings have appeared for residents in nearby metro cities). Click here to access the database. offers a searchable archive of Constitution files 1868-1939, with limited free viewing: you don't get to see much of an abstract in your search results, so it can be very difficult to determine whether you have found the right article. Still, it can be used as an index to the microfilm for that period.
The library also provides current issues in print at every library location. Or you can access through GALILEO, find the newspaper by selecting databases A to Z.